Mechanic Position Mission and Purpose Agreement

Welcome to Roberts Excavation! 

It’s a pleasure to introduce you to our organization, and I thank you for your time and interest. We would like to share  with you some information about our Company. Below is our mission statement which describes what we do. The  purpose statement explains why the organization exists. Our values state how we strive to conduct ourselves (both  professionally and personally). Lastly, you will see a brief description of the Character First program that we utilize to 

assist us when we hire, promote, and equip our team to achieve our mission and purpose. If you have any questions,  please do not hesitate to ask.  

Mission Statement (what) 

While grounded in character, we strive toward excellence as we contour, improve and develop the earth, which establishes the foundation our clients successfully build upon. 

Purpose Statement (why) 

We strive to glorify God as we serve our clients, and equip our employees to excel in life. While grounded in character,  we strive toward excellence in all that we do. It is our purpose to earn and preserve our clients trust and satisfaction, while  earning a profit which will benefit our employees, community and stockholders allowing us to share our blessings. 

Our Core Values 

  • Honoring God: Those who honor me I will honor. 1 Samuel 2:30b 
  • Striving For Excellence: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good 
  • Humility: not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful 

Our Supporting Values 

  • Efficient: productive of desired effects especially without waste 
  • Adaptable: Capable of being or becoming adapted (to make fit (as for a new use) often by modification) o Perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition o Enthusiasm: an occupation, activity, or pursuit in which such interest is shown 
  • Dedicated: wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal o Honesty: fairness and straightforwardness of conduct, adherence to the facts 
  • Reliable: suitable or fit to be relied on, giving the same result on successive trials 
  • Family: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation, a group of individuals living  under one roof and usually under one head 
  • Reputable: held in good repute; honorable; respectable; estimable 

Character touches everything you do. It takes character to live with integrity, build healthy relationships, and  improve your work and world. At Roberts Excavation we believe our people are our most valuable assets. As such, one of  the ways we invest in our people is by hiring, training and promoting based on character. In our company we strive to  operate based on the principals of Character First™, a character and competency based program, which includes monthly  training. Our continual pursuit of developing character and competency in our people and corporate performance are not  just words. They are lived every day, in each decision made and action taken, as our consistency is vital to earning and  preserving the trust of our customers and community. We strive to consistently display these qualities and we seek them  out in those we recruit and work with. 

Here at Roberts, we are firm believers in “the Golden Rule” (which is to treat others as you wish to be treated), and we  expect ALL team members to conduct themselves in this manner. As you might have guessed, we are very proud of our  culture at Roberts and we sacrifice a lot to preserve and strengthen that culture.  

If you have any questions please speak to a Roberts Excavation team member, and we look forward to getting to know  you as we begin the interview process.  


Gerald Roberts, President

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